Watertight Marketing PodBlog

Watertight Marketing PodBlog

Hosted by: Bryony Thomas

The back catalogue of blog posts on marketing that supports healthy sales flow, read by the best-selling author of Watertight Marketing - Bryony Thomas.

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10 Ways to Screw Up Your Marketing Budget

10 ways to screw up your marketing budget! This episode delves into the top ten reasons marketing budgets often get overspent. Key links to accompany this episode: The original blog post is here Key...
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Are you stuck on the yo-yo marketing diet?

Does your business suffer from uneven sales results? Perhaps you get a flurry of sales in response to a marketing campaign, or perhaps you win one big deal and put your head down to deliver the business, only to find...
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The foundations of making marketing work

What makes marketing work? The key difference between people that see a healthy return on their marketing, and those that don’t, is whether the unseen strategic thinking has been done. This episode explores...
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Do your numbers have a narrative?

Do your numbers have a narrative? This episode explores how a marketer can use both numbers and narrative to bring a business's vision, values and goals to life. Relates to Flow Foundation Four. Key links to accompany...
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What skills does a marketing director need?

Are you bringing a senior marketer into your business? Or have you had some frustrations with the role? Here's a quick rundown of the key skills to look for in this very special person! Key links to accompany this...
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Do your clients sustain you energetically and financially?

Do you need more clients, or more of the right clients? This episode tells you how to use the Profit Purpose Matrix to be selective about your clients. Relates to Touchpoint Leak 12 - What . Key links to accompany...
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Should we Overcome Objections or Validate Concerns?

Do you want to win the argument or build trust? This post explores the way we approach the concerns that buyers, or their trusted allies, might have. Relates to Touchpoint Leak 5 - No Critical Approval. Key links to...
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What are the Thirteen Touchpoint Leaks?

The Thirteen Touchpoint Leaks is probably the framework I have shared with the most people. 5000 or so at last count. it is a way of mapping marketing investments against a sales journey to determine where to focus...
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How to get sales and marketing to play nicely together

Key things to think about in getting your sales people, marketers, and customer service folk, to work well together. This is the first in a series of posts exploring effective working across sales, marketing and...
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Business growth - which kind?

Does your business want growth in lifetime value, margin or volume? You'll need different marketing levers for each! Key things to think about in getting your sales people, marketers, and customer service folk, to...
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10 signs that it's YOUR marketing knowledge that needs attention

This post looks signs that it is the marketing skills of the MD that are holding the business back. If you're the MD of a growing business, ask yourself these 10 questions. For a more detailed rundown of the 24...
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6 signs that your marketing is really working

This post runs through six sure signs that your marketing operation is highly effective and will almost certainly deliver the growth you're looking for. For a more detailed rundown of the 24 questions bryony asks all...
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