Marketing's role in recruiting brilliant employees

Episode #16

Topic: How do you ensure you recruit the right candidates for your business and make your company attractive to work in?

Recruiting new employees uses the same thinking and approaches as you would use to win new customers. However, marketing isn't always involved in supporting this journey even though they have a lot to add.

In this roundtable we talked about how you apply Watertight Thinking to finding, winning and keeping brilliant people in your business. We kicked off with some content as food for thought and then opened up the discussion to chat about others experiences. 

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See: The write up

Here are the LinkedIn profiles of the contributors to this discussion:

Rachael Wheatley, Watertight  Business Thinking

Barry Fleming

Samantha Gosrani, Nviro

Alex Waite, Shaped By 

Isobel Horswell, Ntegrity Insurance Solutions Ltd

Peter Baynes, Peter Baynes Marketing


To join us live next time, head to #WatertightWednesdays - Watertight Marketing

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