What makes for a good marketing leader?

Episode #20

Topic: For those stepping into to a leadership position, what skills and knowledge do you need? What does good look like and what does the business you’re in expect of you?  

Like all leadership positions, you’ll need to combine expertise in your area (marketing in this instance) with the qualities of a leader. Both are essential to credibility. In this session, we’ll be talking about what those qualities are, what the role entails and how to make sure you’re both successful and motivated.  

We’re delighted to be joined this month by Abigail Dixon, author of The Whole Marketer to help us explore the topic of marketing leadership. Whether you’ve been in this role for a while, are new to it or aspire to it, do come along and share your thoughts and wisdom. We’d love to hear from you! 

See - the write-up

Here are the LinkedIn profiles of the contributors to this discussion:

Rachael Wheatley, Watertight Business Thinking

Bryony Thomas, Watertight Business Thinking 

Abigail Dixon,  The Whole Marketer

Charlie Southwood, Junxion Strategy

Kerry Turney, Lumina Technologies

Mandip Bilkhu

Samantha HillReynaers Aluminium UK


To join us live next time, head to #WatertightWednesdays - Watertight Marketing

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