How well does marketing support the business plan (Research Findings)

Episode #22

A session unpicking the research findings amongst those that have completed our 40 question diagnostic in 2024. The key findings are:

  • People feel that they are better at marketing strategy than they are at marketing operations
  • The operational pillars of marketing are rated on average at least 10% lower than the strategic
  • The lowest ranked area of marketing execution is planning marketing activities to match every step of a sale
  • The marketing pertaining to existing customers is the lowest ranked operational element
  • Questions relating to comprehension were marked higher than corresponding questions relating to actions taken

Within a 3% range, the results form year to year are unchanged The full paper will be released towards the end of this year. Last year's paper is still available, here:

See - the write-up.

Here are the LinkedIn profiles of the contributors to this discussion:

Bryony Thomas, Watertight Business Thinking

Rachael Wheatley, Watertight Business Thinking

David Perry

Helen Trudgeon

To join us live next time, head to #WatertightWednesdays - Watertight Marketing

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